A Tesla subscription car parked on the side of a road.

What extras do you pay on top of a car subscription?

Not all car costs are included in your subscription.
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A car subscription is a flexible alternative to traditional car ownership or leasing. As a result, it's been growing in popularity, and so have the questions we get asked.

While car subscriptions typically include the cost of insurance, maintenance, MOT and roadside assistance, you may encounter a few additional fees.

Excess mileage fees

One extra cost you may pay on top of a car subscription is a mileage allowance fee.

Many car subscription services have a maximum mileage limit included in the monthly fee (usually 800 miles per month, but some offer up to 1,250 miles). You will be charged an additional fee per mile if you exceed that limit.

This fee can vary depending on the service and the specific car you are driving, and it's usually between 4p to 25p per mile.

Additional drivers

Another extra cost you may encounter with a car subscription is the fee for adding another driver to your subscription. Most subscription companies allow adding multiple drivers on the same car, so you may need to pay an additional fee for them to be added to the insurance policy. This fee can vary depending on the service and the specific car you are driving, as well as the age and driving history of the additional driver.

With EZOO, you can add up to three additional drivers – with every driver added costing £10 on top of your monthly subscription fee. Drive Fuze also charge the same price for additional drivers - £10.

Excess wear and tear

Another cost not included in the basic subscription is a charge for damage or excessive wear and tear on the car.

While many car subscription services include insurance coverage and fair wear and tear, you may still be responsible for paying for damage to the car that exceeds the agreed limits outlined in your contract.

Additionally, suppose you return the car at the end of your subscription with excessive wear and tear. In that case, you may be charged an additional fee to cover the cost of repairs or maintenance. 

Remember, "Fair wear and tear" refers to the normal deterioration in a vehicle over time.

Additional services

Some subscription providers offer deals on public charging networks like BP Pulse, so you can opt for that if you're subscribing to an EV.

Similarly, in the past, subscription companies have offered home-charging equipment and tariffs from their partners. This may be offered again in the future.

Tickets and fines

As the driver, you are responsible for any tickets, fines, or other penalties you incur while driving the vehicle. This includes parking tickets, speeding tickets, tolls, and any other traffic violations or infractions you may incur.

If you receive a ticket or fine while driving a car that you have subscribed to, you will be responsible for paying the total amount of the ticket or fine.

If you ignore the fine and it ends up in the hands of the subscription provider, they will either try to transfer it back to you or pay it themselves and chase you to cover the cost. Usually, that includes an admin fee to cover their time.

Be sure to understand your car subscription service's specific policies to avoid any additional costs or fees.

In summary, while car subscriptions may include many costs associated with traditional car ownership or leasing, you may still encounter extra charges like mileage allowance fees, additional drivers, damage or excess wear and tear, penalty notices and additional services.

Want to learn more about subscriptions? Read our expert guides:

Browse all cars available on subscription

There are hundreds of cars available via UK subscription companies.

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