Regenerative braking: What does it mean?

Using braking energy to add charge back into the battery. An energy recovery system used in most electric vehicles that can help charge the battery while the car is slowing down. Typically the electric motor acts as the generator, so power can flow both ways between it and the battery. ‘Regen’ helps extend the range, while the process also helps slow the vehicle in a similar way to engine braking in an ICE powered car.

Regenerative braking: The long answer

Regenerative braking is a car technology that helps to improve energy efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. It works by converting the kinetic energy produced during braking into electrical energy, which is then stored in the car's battery for later use. This energy can be used to power various electrical systems in the vehicle, such as lights, air conditioning, or even to assist the engine during acceleration.

Regenerative braking is common in hybrid and electric vehicles. It allows drivers to maximise their fuel economy and reduce their carbon footprint by making the most out of the energy generated during braking. This technology is particularly beneficial in stop-and-go traffic or during city driving, where frequent braking occurs. By harnessing and reusing the energy that would otherwise be wasted, regenerative braking contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly driving experience.