Hybrid: What does it mean?

A petrol or diesel car that also contains an electric motor and battery, allowing it to drive short distances on electricity alone. Improves fuel economy and reduces emissions compared to a regular combustion engine.

Hybrid: The long answer

A hybrid car is a type of vehicle that combines both an internal combustion engine (usually petrol or diesel) with an electric motor. This combination allows the car to run on either the engine or the electric motor, or a combination of both, depending on the driving conditions and power requirements.

In the UK, hybrid cars have become increasingly popular due to their ability to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. They are particularly beneficial for UK drivers as they can help to lower the cost of running a car and contribute to a cleaner environment.

One of the advantages of hybrid cars in the UK is that they are exempt from the London Congestion Charge, which is a fee drivers have to pay to enter certain parts of central London. This exemption can result in significant savings for those who frequently drive in the city.

Additionally, hybrid cars are eligible for the UK government's Plug-in Car Grant, which provides financial incentives to encourage the purchase of low-emission vehicles. This grant can help to offset the initial cost of buying a hybrid car, making it a more affordable option for UK drivers.

Overall, hybrid cars offer UK drivers the benefits of improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and potential cost savings. They are a great choice for those looking to make their daily commute more environmentally friendly while also enjoying the convenience and flexibility of a traditional car.